Over the years, DEEP has closed certain areas to waterfowl hunting or imposed additional restrictions at some sites. These actions are taken when DEEP finds that the physical setting of a particular locality presents an unreasonable risk that hunters may violate the regulations regarding minimum distances to dwellings or the regulations regarding shooting toward dwellings or people. Please become familiar with these local sites and always use good judgment when hunting near any populated area. Maps of these closure areas are available upon request at 860-424-3011.
Ash Creek is one of these closure areas and if you call to report a hunting violation refer the person managing the hotline to Page 12 of the DEEP “Migratory Bird Hunting Guide September 2013-March 2014”: “#14. There shall be no waterfowl hunting in or from the banks of Ash Creek north of the line drawn from the northern end of the steel railing on the fishing pier in Fairfield to the northern end of the stone sea wall in Bridgeport at the mouth of the creek where it enters Long Island Sound.” We’ve hand drawn the area referred to on the map above. The top part of the map is North and the bottom is South. If you see violations, report them to DEEP’s 24-hour emergency dispatch hotline at 1-800-424-3333 (ignore the phone number provided in the guide).