Save the Date – Water Quality Summit – Feb. 26

The First Annual Black Rock Harbor Water Quality Summit will be held on February 26 (note date has changed from earlier announced date of February 12) from 5 pm – 7:30 pm at Bridgeport Regional Vocational Aquaculture School hosted by the Ash Creek Conservation Association with Save the Sound & the Bridgeport Water Pollution Control Authority. We hope you will be able to join us. |
If you missed previous posts on the Unified Water Study and the problem with water quality in Black Rock Harbor, you may want to read the following:
Christine Woodside, an environmental journalist with the Connecticut Health I-Team had published a three part series on the water quality issues in Black Rock Harbor that appeared in the Connecticut Post, Hartford Courant, and other newspapers. The Unified Water Study project with Save the Sound is the focus of the third article.
ACCA wants to thank our former Councilperson Pete Spain for leading the coalition, Tom Santa and our members for their donations for the funding so we could join this EPA funded study at such a late date, Kevin Blagys for doing the water quality monitoring, which involves early morning measurements from May through October, and Holly Turner at the Aquaculture School and her students for assisting Kevin in the water quality monitoring.