The City of Bridgeport will begin plantings tomorrow along the area facing the Sound, where the beach grass plantings had been scraped off earlier this summer. The City met with the Ash Creek Conservation Association, the Black Rock NRZ, and the consulting firm that is working on the Parks Plan late this afternoon to share the plan and to begin to forge a spirit of cooperation in working together going forward. There will be four different types of plants which will provide biodiversity and help to establish a dune community over time rather than the flat disturbed conditions that now exist. The plants will help prevent erosion of the sand spit from storms.
Just under a quarter of an acre will be planted. Approximately 70% of the plantings will be American Beach Grass, the rest will consist of Beach Plum (Prunus martima), Sand Cherry (Prunus depressa) and Staghorn Suma (Rhus typhina), which will hopefully create an attractive wildlife habitat.
Shown below in order: American Beach Grass, Beach Plum, Beach Plum (flower), Sand Cherry, Sand Cherry (flower), Staghorn Sumac, and Beach Plum (berry).