In our last update we mistakenly stated that “Toner is in the process of building his dock now. You can see the barge in Ash Creek at high tide and hear the pilings being installed. The dock will be almost directly across from the Ganim dock on the Fairfield side. Work must be finished by July 1.” We apologize, there were two errors in this statement. First, Toner has not yet been granted his permit (per DEP email on 3/23) and second Toner cannot work on his dock between March 15 through June 1 or July 1 though September 30 according to the draft permit because of the migration patterns of the waterfowl who use Ash Creek for stopover and feeding. This is a condition that the DEP. We have requested a copy of the final permit when it is completed to see if this condition is still included. Work has not begun on the Toner dock yet. However work has started on another dock on Ash Creek — the Mears dock.
The permit for the Mears dock has the same restrictions as the Toner dock in terms of construction times due to the Spring and Fall bird migration patterns. See our update on the Mears dock for more information. We apologize for the error.