

Ash Creek Enhancement Project

The Ash Creek Conservation Association hired two environmental experts, a wetlands scientist, Dr. Steve Danzer, and an ecological landscape designer, Bryan Quinn to review the plantings by the City and provide suggestions for habitat improvements going forward.  We’ve shared copies of the report with both…

Ash Creek Enhancement Project

This morning the City planted 300 containers of American Beach Grass, 50 Beach Plum shrubs, 50 Sand Cherry shrubs, and 50 Staghorn Sumac bushes at the sand spit.  They didn’t prepare the soil and don’t plan to water the plantings (please click on Read More at bottom).  The forecast doesn’t call…

Storm Damage on St. Mary’s Sand Spit

ASSESSMENT OF STORM DAMAGE TO ST. MARY’S SAND SPIT, ASH CREEK       The Ash Creek Conservation Association asked  Steven Danzer, Ph.D., who has his doctorate in Natural Resources and is also a Soil Scientist  (listed by the Society of Soil Scientists…

Fall Clean Up at Ash Creek

Please join the Ash Creek Conservation Association in a coastal cleanup of the Ash Creek tidal estuary from 8:30 AM to noon on Saturday, September 17, 2011. This cleanup event is part of the International Coastal Cleanup, which is coordinated in Connecticut by Save the…

Photos of the Ash Creek Tidal Estuary

The Ash Creek Tidal Estuary is one of the few remaining relatively undeveloped tidal estuaries in the State of Connecticut.  Its shellfish beds of clams and oysters are protected by the Bureau of Aquaculture.  Connecticut Audubon states that is one…

Public Forum on Parks Master Plan

PLEASE ATTEND PARKS MASTER PLAN FORUM The City is planning a discussion forum on the 2008 Parks Master Plan on August 10 from 5:30-7:30pm at the Cesar Batalla School, 606 Howard Ave, Bridgeport .  We hope you can attend as this will be an…